


Ziff Davids: Habits of a Portable Gamer

August 30th, 2004 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Research & Stats | 1 Comment »

According to the study, nearly 70% of video gamers own a cell phone and 50% of these individuals play games on their mobile devices:

– More than a quarter (27%) of gamers, and fully 42% of core gamers (gamers who bought at least three games in the previous two months, or who bought at least two games but played 15 or more hours per week) are more likely to purchase a portable gaming system within the next year
– 18% purchased games for their cell phones
– Spend 17 minutes per gaming session and 4.4 hours per week
– Spent an average of $19 dollars in the last 60 days on games for their cell phone

Gamers don’t use cell phones to play video games for the following reasons:
– 50% cite screen size, cost and the difficulty of playing games on a small device
– Over 85% of gamers refer to picture quality
– 75% mention improper game controls

More broadly, the 2004 study indicates that a significant proportion of video game purchasing now happens online, with video gamers reporting that they buy about 12% of their games online. Used game sales are even stronger, as nearly 70% of gamers reported buying used games, including 16% through online auctions. More …

    One Response to “Ziff Davids: Habits of a Portable Gamer”

    1. Gaming Stats

      Some interesting stats on gaming and mobile gaming from Ziff Davis Media, reported on Mobile Games and Gaming Blog Firstly, video gaming has overtaken PC gaming in the US. And it’s hurting TV watching: Twenty-six percent reported that their…

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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