


Will EA buy Fishlabs? (updated)

August 27th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 2 Comments »

FishlabsWill the gossiping in the industry ever stop? We don’t hope it! Another hot rumour came to us from various sides as it seems there is more M&A news coming from EA Mobile.

This time it seems that EA has set it’s mind on buying Fishlabs. The acquisition of Fishlabs would add a great amount of high quality 3D development to the giant. Something they could well utilize in order to bring high end 3D mobile games to the market under various licenses.

Take the Galaxy on Fire engine for example. It would serve great as an engine for a mobile Wing Commander title. Wing Commander has just been launched on Xbox Live Arcade and so would be great to put on the market (and yes, I loved Wing Commander myself). Also, the 3D racing engine would provide a great experience for mobile Need for Speed and Burnout games.

EA Mobile and Fishlabs have already started the development of the mobile game ‘The Sims: DJ 3D’ for which a promo video is available. Though Projectnext had to put it offline on behalf of EA Mobile and Fishlabs, on this website the video still seems to be online. So many hints, so little official news…

So though nothing is official, the acquisition of FishLabs would greatly enhance EA’s portfolio. If it’s true, remember you heard it here first (unless you where at the GC).

    2 Responses to “Will EA buy Fishlabs? (updated)”

    1. projectnext says:

      lol… everyone stolen mobile game news from projectnext… look so, that we are Nr1 😉

    2. xn0 says:

      projectnext, you guys are nothing more than software pirates, you steal from everyone.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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