


VASland2006, meet your consumers!

January 4th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | No Comments »

Buongiorno took the liberty of releasing their anual VASland report for 2006. Looking at the press release, the report devides our consumer base into three types of consumers which is beyond popular terms like early adapters, casual gamers or even male vs. female.

They kick off with the “Symbiotics“. This is about 48% of the consumer base and makes it the biggest. These consumers just can’t live without their mobile phone. With the mobile phone as a reason to live, personalisation is their main drive to download VAS products. The Symbiotic consumer is above 25 years of age and mainly downloads top 10 ringtones and personalised ringtones and wallpapers.

Second biggest are the “Fashionistas“. They represent 27% of the market for VAS products and are mostly teenagers and young adults. Since their mobile is to show-off, they want the hottest content available to be on there. This is where famous brands count when it comes to wallpapers. Also ringtones have to be music hits.

The third and smallest group is the “Rationals“. The rationals account for 25% and look at a mobile phones as just a tool in life. They love it’s functionality and look at VAS for a way of extending it. They like software applications and often subscribe to SMS and MMS.

The descriptions don’t tell much about mobile gaming behaviour. I do expect though that brand awareness at the Fashionatas also goes for games. The report did write a bit about mobile games though. Buongiorno clearly states men as our number 1 consumer according to their results.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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