


Trixcell Brings More Magic to the Phone

June 11th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Distribution | No Comments »

Trixcell Before reading this article, we took a look at a YouTube video that was sent with the press release. The video is of a mobile game/app called Spoon! and shows something we haven't seen on mobile yet; Magic!

The video (which is on MGB-TV at the moment) starts with some standard spoon bending action (why a simple spoon? Why not a complete car and really impress us?). Next, the main character takes his phone to a bar and offers some chicks to choose what they want to bend.

As you would guess, the object chosen will start to bend without touching the mobile phone through (probably) speech recognition.

The idea of bringing magic to mobile phones is not new to the mobile games industry, but we don't see much from it yet. It's not strange that Fox Mobile has chosen to pick up the title and distribute it (my magic eye says we will probably see loads of Jamba / Jamster adverts coming along with this deal) as they picked up an earlier magic game from Trixcell as well.

"We are extremely pleased and proud of the positive, enthusiastic response that Trixcell’s magic tricks have received so far.” said Shlomi Grandes, Trixcell's CEO and co-founder. “We are certain Spoon's groundbreaking technology will impress and amaze all audiences from friends and family to business colleagues. It could even be a great way to attract admirers. Nobody can resist a good magic trick.”

“Fox Mobile Distribution is always aiming to consistently provide innovative and engaging mobile
entertainment to consumers around the world,” said Giovanni Montesanti, Chief Marketing Officer of Fox Mobile Distribution. “We were the first to introduce the mobile magic content genre, and we are thrilled to add the latest mobile magic trick Spoon! to our exclusive content collection.”

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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