


TIM Italy starts to Brew

November 14th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | 2 Comments »

Qualcomm and TIM Italy, Italy’s largest operator, have announced to start deploying handsets which feature’s Qualcomm’s Brew solution. With this move, TIM hopes to improve it’s leadership in the market and innovate it’s 3G and HSDPA networks even more. The first games announced to go live on TIM’s Brew portal are coming from Gameloft. Also TIM announced it will use uiOne, which is the idle screen advertising system on Brew.

“TIM’s decision to launch BREW services in Italy underscores the momentum we are seeing for the BREW solution with European operators,” said Peggy Johnson, president of QUALCOMM Internet Services and MediaFLO Technologies. “We believe there will be an accelerated drive toward native games in Europe in 2007, and TIM is poised to lead that charge by launching the proven, high-quality experience that the BREW Gaming Signature Solution provides. The uiOne offering allows TIM to greatly enhance the user’s ability to discover key services, and its ‘Themes’ offering will deliver device customization that will allow TIM to differentiate its services.”

“We believe adopting the BREW solution will allow TIM to greatly improve usability and introduce innovative premium data services across multiple handsets,” said Massimo Castelli, chief marketing officer, Telecom Italia. “The BREW Gaming Signature Solution, with high-caliber 3D games from world-class publishers like Gameloft, and TIM’s downloadable themes will deliver a unique user experience that will greatly improve our subscribers’ enjoyment of our mobile services.”

Personally I have always been impressed by Brew and with TIM starting Brew support, Qualcomm seems to have set yet another step into Europe. With Vodafone’s announcement to start looking more at native content, I wonder when we will see Brew devices on the Vodafone network.

    2 Responses to “TIM Italy starts to Brew”

    1. Paddy Byers says:

      I must have missed it but could you point me at the Vodafone announcement you mention?
      Keep up the good work.
      Thanks – Paddy

    2. Arjan Olsder says:

      Whooops, I read about it elsewhere but didn’t put it in my own blog 🙁

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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