


Thumbplay Launches on Cellular South

November 13th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Distribution | No Comments »

Mobile games and entertainment portal Thumbplay has announced it's launch on Cellular South, the largest privately owned operator in the US. According to Thumbplay it's the first time this happens in the US.

Cellular South customers will now be able to browse, buy and download Thumbplay content directly from their handsets or Thumbplay’s Web site. Thumbplay offers more than 100,000 pieces of licensed content including music, videos and games that will be available for purchase by Cellular South customers either a la carte or via subscription-based credits.

"Increasingly, our customers are using their mobile phones as full-service, mobile entertainment devices," said Jim Richmond, Director of Corporate Communications at Cellular South.
“Thumbplay allows us to offer our customers the broadest and deepest offering available coupled with fast, easy-to-use service and unmatched customer support.”

Are Traasdahl, Thumbplay’s CEO and founder, added: “Our ongoing investment in building the biggest and the best mobile catalog and in providing customers with a fun, hassle-free experience, continues to pay off. We are extremely proud to become the first direct-to-consumer mobile content provider in the U.S. to support a wireless carrier’s portal.”

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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