


Telcogames Sale Possible

April 29th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 6 Comments »

TelcogamesJason Godefroy and Paul Clark, partners from Menzies Corporate Restructuring (MCR), have sent out a press release covering the latest status of Telcogames.

Currently, Telcogames employs eight people in it’s UK offices (in Oxford Street and Liverpool). The aggregator is five years in business and has an annual turnover of around

    6 Responses to “Telcogames Sale Possible”

    1. n/a says:

      I think it should be “their reputation is excellently known”. Crash ‘n burn I’d say!

    2. Teymur says:

      These guys make me laugh. “Excellent reputation”. Who is going to buy that?

    3. n/a 2 says:

      They never had any excellent standing at the publishers and developers! What are they smoking? They dont know the market and say things like that. I like the system!
      They should NEVER ever get a position in the whole industry.
      Telcogames financed the salaries plus the developers studios they acquired from the money they own other publishers.

    4. Curly Wurly says:

      They should get a position in prison, never mind the industry.

    5. John says:

      “provide protection against creditors” ….and who protects the creditors?

    6. John says:

      Turnover of just

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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