


Telcogames-MED Update

June 4th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 4 Comments »

TelcogamesIt was clear many of you wanted answers after our last update on the (by now famous) Telcogames letter in regards to the acquisition by Mobile Entertainment Distribution Limited (MED).

We had a call this afternoon from Lewis MacDonald again. He told us that he tried to e-mail everybody that commented on the previous posts with his private mobile number in the hope to start one-on-one dialogues.

So if you received his e-mail, let us know what you think. If you haven’t… well, you can also still let us know what you think. For now, no news. Let’s see what happens in the coming weeks.

Recent posts:
Rectification Toward the Telcogames Letter Post
Letter to Telcogames Customers

    4 Responses to “Telcogames-MED Update”

    1. Well Mr. MacDonald never contacted me?
      Then again I’ve already asked them to remove my content recently so I don’t expect any further follow up in practice.
      As far as I’m concerned, if not for me; the time for talking is over and the time is right to pay if MED want to make headway with other developers.
      Me I’m done with them – life is too short to waste on all this now.

    2. df says:

      Who does Lewis MacDonald think he is? Some kind of magician that makes everyone forget what his organisation did deliberately??
      To try and make it look like the “new” company is now something worth to do business with is just laughable. They are just the same rip-off merchants that screwed everyone in the first place.
      It just shows in what sad state the once glorious mobile phone game business is in.
      I do hope that they’ll get punished on a personal level for this, as this is what has happened to many developers.

    3. John Bridges says:

      If MED want to be taken seriously then they can put their money where their mouths are and commit to repaying their (former) debts from future profits. With their “projected” turnover of

    4. joker says:

      the time for stupid talking from Mr. Lewis MacDonald is over. Only cash is something that is worth. We all heard too much blabla from him and his fellowers during the last year(s). We cannot pay our bills with nice words from Lewis!
      History of Telcogames:
      Why are you not paying and reporting in time?
      1. telcogames will get bought
      2. telcogames is not in financial problems, we will pay you tomorrow, next week, next month, etc.
      3. telcogames will do an ipo just be patient
      4. telcogames is really not in financial problems
      5. telcogames is short before an ipo
      6. just be patient you will get paid we just have problems with operators which are not paying but telcogames is restructing the company
      7. telcogames will be sold soon and we are closing down telcogames offices and firing staff so that we can pay you. be patient please you will get your money I am promising it.
      8. telcogames have a new investor soon
      9. everyone received a nice letter about the
      administration 🙁
      So what is any words of Lewis worth – I say nothing!
      Telcogames and MED will hopefully be history soon

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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