
Posts Tagged ‘Windows Mobile’

Samsung Apps Passes 100.000.000 Downloads

March 24th, 2011 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Bada, Platforms: Windows Mobile | No Comments »

Samsung has announced that its Samsung Apps channel passed 100 million downloads. Not bad considering the app store mostly supports Windows Mobile, Samsung Bada and internet TV apps.

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Distimo: Games Perform Best on Windows Phone 7

November 29th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Windows Mobile, Platforms: Windows Phone, Research & Stats | No Comments »

Microsoft’s strategy to position Windows Phone 7 toward consumers seems to be working well as Games seem to be the most important part of the platform’s app portfolio.

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SPB Expands its Connected Gaming Network to iOS

October 29th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: iOS, Platforms: Windows Mobile | No Comments »

SPB Software has announced the availability of SPB Online Games. SPB probably noticed the value with a lot of social gaming networks receiving investments or getting acquired lately.

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Microsoft Releases ‘Office Phone’ in Spain

October 4th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Windows Mobile | No Comments »

Microsoft has released an Office branded mobile phone for the Spanish market. The phone runs Windows Mobile 6.5.3 and is a rebranded SonyEricsson Aspen.

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SE: Symbian or WinMo, One Has to Go

July 19th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

During the presentation of their Q2 financial results, Bert Nordberg showed his enthusiasm about the success of the Android platform in SonyEricsson’s portfolio. The company is less satisfied with Windows Mobile and Symbian.

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Privacy Conflicts Ahead With Mobile Spy for Android

May 4th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: AndroidOS | No Comments »

Mobile Spy is a logger app that runs on the background of the OS and logs pretty much anything you’d like it to log. The app doesn’t identify itself which makes it nearly impossible for phone owners to know its there.

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Smaato: Windows Mobile Overtaking iPhone on Advertising

March 8th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming, Platforms: AndroidOS, Platforms: BlackBerry, Platforms: iOS, Platforms: Symbian, Platforms: Windows Mobile | No Comments »

Smaato The key to monetizing free mobile games is in-game purchases or showing ads to your gamers. Though the iPhone has been dominant in this market over the past months, Windows Mobile has started to overtake Apple.

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Windows Mobile 6.5 Becomes Windows Mobile Classic

February 19th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Windows Mobile | No Comments »

Windows-phone With the new naming of Windows Mobile 7 to Windows Phone 7 Series, Microsoft has announced it will also be renaming Windows Mobile 6.5 to Windows Mobile Classic.

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MWC: Adobe Announces Flash for Windows Phone 7 Series

February 17th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Adobe Flash & Air, Platforms: Windows Mobile | No Comments »

Adobe Adobe has announced to start supporting Flash for Windows Phone 7 Series soon. In return, the company plans to halt further development of Flash on Windows Mobile 6.5.

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WMC: First Details Windows Phone 7

February 15th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Windows Mobile | No Comments »

Windows-phone The official press announcements are still an hour away, but already MGB has the first details on what Microsoft will be announcing during the Mobile World Congress.

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Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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