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Open Discussion: From Console to Mobile, Will it Fit?

February 6th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Open Discussions | 4 Comments »

It seems a never ending story is starting at MobileIndustry.biz. It all started out when Tony Pearce (Player X) announced consumer disappointment when console games are ported to mobile. According to Tony, mobile is just not there yet and the ports might harm the original console ports. It didn’t take long until THQ’s James Scalpello stood up to let us know it is not that bad at all. Now, Tim Harris form Seven Lights tells everybody console games indeed are not the right fit for porting to mobile. Personally, I think his example of Splinter Cell’s arrival on mobile is not totally right as I loved that mobile game a few years ago (even though I finished it pretty fast) as Splinter Cell is not a direct port form a console game to a mobile game. Instead it is just a totally new game, purely based on the license and storyline of its big brother. However, I like to make a call for a new open discussion at the blog. From console, to mobile, do you think it is the right fit!?






Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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