
Posts Tagged ‘Terminated’

End2End Content Services Ends

November 30th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | No Comments »

End2end End2End Content Services is one of the older mobile game and content distributors from Europe. The company that is specialized in mobile content just announced it will terminate (all) agreements with publishers and so, it’s core business

N-Gage Fails Again…

November 1st, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial, Platforms: Symbian | No Comments »

N-gage Many where sceptical when Nokia launched N-Gage for the second time around, but after months and months of rumours, Nokia finally admitted defeat last Friday.

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Sharewire Terminates D2C Platform

October 28th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | No Comments »

Sharewire Where  a lot of companies are opening up their D2C platforms (or App Stores), Sharewire has decided to close theirs. Their system allowed everyone to have their own mobile content store in minutes.

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Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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