


Symbian Foundation Memberships Free for All

February 17th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Symbian | 2 Comments »

Ever wanted to mess with one of the biggest smartphone platforms in the hope to influence the future of it? The Symbian Foundation has just put documents online for everybody that wishes to join.

Joining the foundation is not only limited to huge companies. Individual developers (that own a small company) are also welcome to sign up. All the documents about signing up can be found over at the Symbian website.

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    2 Responses to “Symbian Foundation Memberships Free for All”

    1. chro says:

      is that so? the web still require organization or company name to register.
      “Must be an incorporated company or organization. Individuals can not become a Member.”

    2. Fred says:

      Quote: “Individual developers (that own a small company) are also welcome to sign up”
      There was no mentioning of individuals right?

    Leave a Reply






    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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