


SonyEricsson Does N-Gage

September 9th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

SonyericssonLately the web is swarming with rumours on the PSP phone and yes, even we made some statements about the possibilities about a year back. Now according to Mobile Entertainment, it should be ready in Feb.

SonyEricsson and Nokia have always been pretty active when it comes to promoting mobile gaming and making new things possible. Nokia with hardware like the N-Gage and SonyEricsson by pumping out massive amounts of J2me 3D enabled phones as soon as technology was ready (and let’s not forget Flash Lite adoption).

In it’s hardware range, SonyEricsson used a lot of sub brands that are well known from their other product ranges. As MobileGamesBlog.com reported before, after using brands like Walkman, Cybershot en Bravia, PSP was the only logical think that was left unused.

Lately, we have seem numbers of photo’s pop-up that show a SonyEricsson gaming device and it was always claimed as the PSP phone. Now however, Mobile Entertainment Magazine tells us it will be a gaming phone, but not a PSP phone. According to the magazine, the phone will be very games oriented. The phone will have motion and tilt sensors as known from the WiiMote and probably a similar interface to that of the PSP (and various other Sony hardware).

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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