


SNAP Mobile Multiplayer Competition

July 24th, 2007 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Game Awards | No Comments »

NokiaAt the Develop Conference & Expo in Brighton today, Nokia announced the SNAP Multiplayer Games Competition where Nokia hopes to find and reward the most creative mobile game developer.

The competition (which is part of Nokia’s Mobile Rules! competition) will help developers to break into this market as Nokia will offer the opportunities of global distribution while the developer remains to have full ownership over the mobile game submitted. Also, the winner will get access to Nokia devices, introductions to the contest sponsors and other benefits. The main rule for the competition is that the game should make as much use as possibility of what Nokia SNAP has to offer.

Concepts can be submitted from 1 to 30 August at snapmobile@nokia.com. The winners of the contest will be announced in March 2008.

The winners of a previous SNAP Mobile multiplayer competition held in cooperation with SingTel were announced at GDC 2007. One of the winners, Keiji Fujita, Senior Producer of Taito branded mobile games for Square Enix stated, “Winning the SingTel Multiplayer Game Quest Competition allowed us to get Puzzle Bobble: Mobile Mania (also known as Bust-A-Move: Mobile Mania in the United States) in front of millions of eyeballs in a very short time frame. SNAP Mobile supported us in our development efforts from concept to launch. I look forward to the additional challenge of the Mobile Rules! Multiplayer Competition.”

“SNAP Mobile is all about giving developers the tools, resources and support they need to create fun, casual games for the masses. We take the hassle out of connected game development and are always looking for the next hit game to bring to the global marketplace,” said SNAP Mobile head, Antoine Doumenc. “The Mobile Rules! Multiplayer Competition lets us reach out and find talented, but perhaps unrecognized, developers in a new way that benefits all. Developers gain commercial opportunities, and SNAP Mobile adds innovative games to our growing portfolio of Java-based casual games.”

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