


SNAP Mobile Expands to China and Taiwan

May 2nd, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Distribution | No Comments »

NokiaNokia has secured and activated two fresh distribution deals that expands their SNAP Mobile network all the way into China and Taiwan.

The Chinese deal will be facilitated by the SINA corporation, while PocketNet Technology and Chunghwa Telecom (the country’s largest operator) power distribution into Taiwan.

"This expansion reinforces our dedication to the global mobile games market. In PRC and Taiwan in particular, there is a growing demand for connected mobile games," said Jaakko Kaidesoja, vice president, games, Nokia. "To provide consumers with the best and most locally relevant connected experience possible, we are working with companies like SINA and PocketNet to develop and deliver exceptional mobile games in Asia."

"PocketNet is looking to build the biggest gaming community in Taiwan and connected games are the cornerstone of gaming communities," said Paul Wu, CEO, PocketNet. "In order to build and sustain a mobile gaming community, we need to provide a service that will cover the majority of devices and networks and also move ahead of the market to take part in connected games right from the start. SNAP Mobile sets the standard for multiplayer gaming and development technologies."

"The number of connected gaming downloads has increased by almost 60% over the past eight months since our initial launch with SNAP Mobile," said Terry Tian, Network Business Dept Director, SINA. "With the added distribution channels through Nokia, we are building up a fun gaming community that offers an interactive, social element on top of the games themselves."

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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