


Selling Your Mobile Games on the Streets

March 12th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Distribution | 1 Comment »

For all of you who visited the ATM machines in Barcalona during 3GSM,
you might have noticed a lot of them where equipped to top-up pre-paid
subscriptions. Bank Machine, a company that has 1.400 ATM’s is going
even further in the UK.

The Bank Machine company hopes to start selling mobile content, including games trough their ATM’s according to the BBC. The first ATM’s called ‘Max Box‘ will appear in Q2 on the streets in the UK. So don’t expect only senior citizens to extend the waiting line as the kid in front of you might need a few minutes to find his new game.

    One Response to “Selling Your Mobile Games on the Streets”

    1. Hmmm very interesting indeed though I wonder whom/where they will choose to source their various mobile content from?… possibly not direct from the originator/developer I would hazard a guess, more likely to be big fish operators and deck partners (like giant aircraft carriers) unlike myself (a fast but nevertheless surfboard sized developer) in comparison heh.
      Otherwise it’s a great idea! 🙂

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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