


Scoreloop Goes White Label and new Integration Features

October 20th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Marketing Strategies, Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Scoreloop Scoreloop has launched two new services to satisfy their partners. One of them is called Core Social and allows developers direct access to the Scoreloop social network.

Core social will provide access to online highscores, achievements, player challenges, social networks like Facebook, cross promotions, push notifications and virtual currencies. These services will all be available in several languages. This whole service is a white label solution, offering developers full control over the presentation.

“Top tier publishers are all saying the same thing — they want social features, but they either fear integrating another company’s branded platform or think they need to do it all themselves,” said Marc Gumpinger, Scoreloop CEO.  “Scoreloop now offers the perfect solution for that.”  Gumpinger continues, “Instead of providing a stand-alone platform, Core Social allows for integrating as many or as few social features they’d like directly into their games.  Publishers can have these features right away–no strings attached–while retaining ownership of their users and their brand experience.  This way publishers don’t have to compromise their own plans in this domain and can even license Core Social as the foundation for their own branded platform.”

With their new Premier Integration Services, Scoreloop will be helping Publishers to integrate their platform into iPhone games in a time-efficient way. The company has already tested this service on a few iPhone titles.

“Astro Boy was on a very tight schedule due to the upcoming movie release. Scoreloop’s integration team made sure we kept that deadline. And it was extremely helpful that Scoreloop's team is not only present in USA and Europe but also here in Asia,” said John Lee of Mobilebus.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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