


Real Networks Releases Playman Extreme Running

September 6th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in New Releases | No Comments »

RealarcadePlayman, one of the biggest non-branded sports gaming series on mobile celebrated its eight release called Playman Extreme Running, though in the U.S. it will be dubbed RealArcade Extreme Running.

With the Playman series being awarded many times, RealArcade, owners of the original developer Mr. Goodliving, expects to have struck gold yet again. The series is known for it’s great gameplay and smooth graphics.

"Parkour (aka freestyle running) is a unique urban sport that’s capturing the imagination of people all over the world with its ability to turn every town centre and urban area into a playground. Our designers tapped into this spirit and have translated the speed, grace and movement of parkour into an incredibly well-received mobile game in the European market," said Matt Turetzky, vice president, off-the pc games at Real. "To date, the Playman series has seen more than 2.5 million games sold in Europe alone. We’re bringing this title to the U.S. market and expecting it to become an instant favorite for many more mobile gamers."

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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