


Preview: Train Tycoon from Redboss

June 13th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in 1 | No Comments »

When I met Jan Rezab (CEO – Redboss) back in February at the 3GSM event in Barcelona, we discussed the wonderful Train Tycoon game on the PC which turned out to be a game we where both hooked on. Jan told me, he was busy to try and get the game running on a mobile phone. Though I had my doubts if anyone could pull that off. Now, four months later he sent me an early beta version.

The minute I got it, I grabbed my phone and started playing. The game loads up extremely fast on a SonyEricsson K700i and instantly generated a unique map to play on. I was amazed by the number of buildings and other graphics that where used on the small screen. There has been a huge attention to detail here I hadn’t seen before in similar games like Zoo Tycoon or Townsmen (Which are also great games).

Redboss really shows their experience in this game genre by creating a really solid gameplay experience even though the game is not finished by far. The controls are well balanced. A lot of mobile games suffer under the crappy keypads that mobile phones sometimes have, however the way Redboss interpreted keypad usage is really smart and intuitive.

As I said, the game is not finished by far. The Redboss team still has a lot of features to implement, however we are sure this game will be a must have to every strategy lover out there.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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