


Playstation Minis Turn 1

October 4th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: PSP Minis | No Comments »

Playstation celebrates the first birthday of their Minis platform. With 100 minis currently available, Playstation has created a special shortlist with the best of them all (which excludes Fieldrunners!?).

According to the press release, Sony has sold well over a million minis to date. This is the same number of sales Sony announced during the GamesCom event. Interestingly, Sony announced to have sold over 9 million PSP’s that year alone and it has also sold many millions of PS3’s throughout the world that all have access to the minis platform. In all honesty, we hoped that Playstation would at least announce like 1.5 million downloads.

During the GamesCom and after, we have spoken with many developers about what the Minis offer them and needless to say, every developer is very satisfied with the overall results from the platform, though everyone also agrees Playstation could do a bit more to push the platform. Mainly PSP’s are lacking when it comes to Minis sales. The big Playstation 3 is actually generating most sales. Reason for this could be that PSN on the Playstation 3 is offering a more pleasant shopping experience and offers much more information on the mini’s compared to the shop on the PSP. In other words, there is much to gain, but it is all up to Playstation for now.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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