


Player X Launched 100% Mobile on O2 UK

October 21st, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Distribution | 1 Comment »

Player X has launched it’s own 100% Mobile games channel on O2 UK. With this launch, Player X extends the options to purchase mobile games for O2 consumers.

The 100% Mobile portal was launched in September with more than 100 games and already 10,000 Try Before You Buy demos have been downloaded that have led to an uplift in the customer buying the game.

Flexible pricing is a key driver of the initiative giving consumers introductory offers such as Try Before You Buy and Pay Per Play in order to bring new users to the portal. To date, the preferred payment with users is the 50p daily rate, which has led to an uptake on some games of more than 50%.

Under the terms of the deal, Player X Distribution manages a dynamic games portal that is fully integrated into the O2 deck and billing environment. O2 customers are given a feature-rich environment in which to discover the best games at a variety of price points and through compelling promotions.

100% Mobile is also driven by strong editorial and portal design in order to provide more relevant and engaging information to aid decision making. The marketing programme is rolling out with both in-store and online activities planned for Q4 08.

Player X Distribution has partnered with Swedish-based Accumulate to deliver the flexible billing on 100% Mobile and who benefit from extensive experience delivering variable billing solutions including rental and subscription to give the consumer a broader choice.

“The flexible retailing environment gives our customers a far more rewarding gaming experience than is available anywhere else in the marketplace today. Users can purchase games using the pricing model they feel most comfortable with, which encourages our customers to become far more engaged with the whole gaming experience from within a trusted environment,” said Joe Haselden, Head of Games Telefonica O2 UK Ltd.

Pocket Gamer, the leading media on all things mobile gaming, will be providing game reviews and editorial support for the portal. Player X Distribution is also launching a major marketing campaign to drive awareness and traffic to 100% Mobile on O2.

"We are delighted to have been appointed by O2 to help drive its mobile gaming business. All the major game publishers will be participating in the 100% Mobile portal from launch and we’ve had very positive feedback from everyone who all see this initiative as a significant push for wider mobile games adoption in the UK," said Tony Pearce, Player X CEO.

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    One Response to “Player X Launched 100% Mobile on O2 UK”

    1. jj says:

      Interesting article… so the o2 UK games platform that was 2 years in the making and apparently was massively feature rich can’t handle something as basic as Try before you buy? Or is there more than meets the eye here…

    Leave a Reply to jj






    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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