


Oxfam and Unkasoft Release Charity Game

March 19th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in New Releases | 2 Comments »

Mobile games developer Unkasoft has signed a deal with Oxfam to release a mobile game that should leverage the awareness of humanitarian issues around the globe. The game is about the struggle for life of a woman in a refugee camp.

In the camp, Aissa (the woman’s name) has to struggle to receive water and food to survive. The game should educate players about the struggles on ‘the other side of the world’ where people die of hunger every day. After playing, the player is asked to inform the Spanish government to look at the problems (hey, why only the Spanish?)

To spread the game more easy, the game is priced low and the revenues will go to aid refugees in Dafur.

"With this videogame we intend to inform the population on a reality which is often forgotten, and when it takes place in real life it is not a game at all," said Oxfam’s Irene Milleiro.

"We must be aware that this is taking place all over the world and that it is necessary that the governments act rapidly against armed conflicts and natural disasters in order to avoid people from losing all they have.

"New technologies allow us to bring these realities to many people, especially to the younger ones, as it is very important to be aware of them and to act."

"Videogames and mobile telephones represent at present one of the most direct forms of introduction to the youth sector. Therefore a product has been developed in which the technological characteristics are not innovating, but the use it is intended for is to help resolve a forgotten situation," said Unkasoft’s Juan Antonio Mu

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    2 Responses to “Oxfam and Unkasoft Release Charity Game”

    1. James says:

      Great initiative!!
      I hope soon we can see it all around the world, not only for spanish people!!

    2. Anonymous says:

      We encourage IO to move this initiative world wide, but is not easy to coordinate. Something is clear many people wants to help and know more about the situation in Dafur, still with a civil war.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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