


Oasys Mobile Emerges from Chapter 11

October 15th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 1 Comment »

OasysSince it’s chapter 11 bankruptcy filing in July, Oasys Mobile has been working hard to recover and return healthy into the mobile business. Yesterday, Oasys announced the company announced to be healthy again.

The new Oasys Mobile will be more focussed at development and publishing of mobile games instead of the business to consumer portal which used to be their primary focus. The new Oasys mobile is now a privately held company with a clean balance sheet.

"We are extremely pleased that Oasys has the resources, product offerings and management required to grow the business and achieve all of our operating objectives," said Doug Dyer, CEO of Oasys Mobile. "Oasys has maintained its product development efforts throughout this process.  With strong brand relationships and key licensing agreements in hand, Oasys expects to release several new games and other products into the market over the next several months.  Key among them are UNO(R) Classic 2008, Magic 8 Ball(R), and Texas Hold’em 2007 with Phil Hellmuth."

"With their products, content partnerships, and distribution capabilities, and with the capital investment from funds managed by Associated Partners LP, and Rock Hill Partners, we are confident in Oasys Mobile’s future," stated Ted Schell of Associated Partners LP, a key investor in Oasys Mobile.  "The management team of Oasys Mobile has done a great job in maintaining the forward momentum of the company."

    One Response to “Oasys Mobile Emerges from Chapter 11”

    1. ken says:

      FUCK oasysmobile…i downloaded Texas Hold Em w/Phil Hellmuth and WOW wha6t a joke….good luck connectig or once you do good luck staying connected. Of all the poker games ive played on mobile phones id say they got this one right,EXCEPT the connection. I can see why Oasysmobile went bankrupt and wouldnt surprise me one bit if they went belly up knowing how SHITTY they are with their games

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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