


O2 and Puzzler to deliver cheap puzzle games

August 4th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | 1 Comment »

O2 and Puzzler have agreed to set up a dedicated portal to service UK clients with the most popular puzzle formats available like SuDuKo, KaKuRo and crosswords. The dedicated channel will also allow people to form puzzle groups and compete for prizes. Playing puzzles will cost 50p a time. Currently there are 1.000 puzzles available online and new ones will be added on a daily basis. "With [Puzzler Media’s] expert help we have broadened our popular mobile entertainment services to include a fun and intriguing selection of mobile puzzles that should speak to a wide audience amongst O2’s 16m customers." Said Anthony Douglas, head of games at )2 UK. "The Puzzler Portal on O2 Active is the new go-to destination for mobile puzzles — the puzzles are fun, easy to access and play, and provide hours of entertainment." Said Neil O’Brien, Business developer at Puzzler Media. Puzzler Media currently is publishing more then 50 titles.

The pressrelease didn’t mention if the puzzle games are regular games or wap games. Something that would be interesting to know in their pricelevel.

    One Response to “O2 and Puzzler to deliver cheap puzzle games”

    1. Matthew Alexander says:

      I’ve just recently had a chance to play a puzzle game name Jewel city. It brings me back to the days of Nintendo and reminds me a little of a cross between bomber man and pac man, mixing the best of both worlds heh. Here’s an article showing graphics: http://www.wgworld.com/site/article/jewel-city
      Anyway a friend of mine developed this particular game, so I wanted to share it with the public. It’s only offered on Verizon right now, but that’s ok. If you like the game please let me know. The controls are a simple and the best tips are:
      know which level you want to go to and press to go there a little before you reach that floor. and the ok button drops your lifesavers (literally). Enjoy!

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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