


Namco Releases Zoo Keeper

October 23rd, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in New Releases | 1 Comment »

NamcoAfter a massive success on Nintendo’s DS, Nambo Bandai has now announced to bring the Zoo Keeper game to mobile phones in Europe.

"Zoo Keeper is perfectly suited for mobile phones, its simple-yet-addictive game-play and rich design elements will appeal to both young and old alike," said Masaji Okubo, managing director of Namco Bandai Networks Europe. "With its previous success, Zoo Keeper is already enjoying worldwide popularity and we are delighted to build on its achievement by bringing this colourful and entertaining title to the mass audience of mobile gamers,"

    One Response to “Namco Releases Zoo Keeper”

    1. Mark Atkinson says:

      Zoo Keeper for mobile rocks already, I loved the DS version and finally it’s coming to mobile. Got bored with bejewelled anyway.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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