October 23rd, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | 1 Comment »
All About Symbian reports the N-Gage is preparing to come back into the market. N-Gage will not longer present itself as a device, but as a service where consumers can buy N-Gage games and take part in the community trough the N-Gage Arena network (also known as Sega SNAP network). The N-Gage features will mostly be added to S60 3rd edition devices that allow horizontal use of the screen. This also means that current N-Gage titles will no longer work as they where designed for the original S60 1st edition platform. More details can be read in the full article.
Thank you very much for the link and writeup!
Just two small corrections:
-As far as I know the horizontal mode is just an OPTION on certain games. At E3 Nokia implied that the games will be built for vertical screens, but some of the games will also have horizontal modes to be used on those phones that support it.
-Current N-Gage games won’t work on Next Gen but that’s nothing to do with screenshape, it’s purely because they’ve been compiled for S60 1st Edition. The games could easily be recompiled for S60 3rd Edition, which is exactly what they’ve already done with Snakes (which was written for N-Gage, then recompiled for release on all 3rd Edition S60s).