


N-Gage Demo’s, EA Mobile vs. Glu

February 12th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Marketing Strategies | No Comments »

AllaboutsymbianThe guys over at All About Symbian have written a feature article in which they evaluate the way that the newest two demo games excel, or disappoint in consumer experience.

With all the Try ‘n Buy news and talks the past few months, it was clear that the new N-Gage platform would offer consumers a clear way to download mobile demo games for free. The guys over at All About Symbian are clearly happy with this. However when it somes to the content itself, there is a clear difference.

Eamobile_2The Tetris demo from EA Mobile is regarded as an excellent demo, which gives you a good feeling about the game and the urge to buy is. From start to finish, it seems to be a perfect experience, giving plenty of information to the consumer on what they are about to buy.

“You’ve seen enough to work out if the controls work through, you’ve probably had a good ten to fifteen minutes of game play, and it feels fair.”

GluPoker Pro Challenge from Glu is a whole other story though. The demo is disapointing and doesn’t give the consumer enough time to get a feeling about the quality of the mobile game. Something that is considered the most important part of a demo version. The writer of the feature managed to play just one hand in the game and then time was up.

“My initial reaction to this is to throw the N81 against the wall, screaming frustration at the top of my voice. If I was a bit better at doing jigsaws, that’s exactly what I would have done.”

For the fine details, please visit the feature at All About Symbian.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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