


MWC International Mobile Gaming Award Winners Announced

February 17th, 2011 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Game Awards | No Comments »

The IMGA has just announced the winners of the International Mobile Game Awards. The grand prix went to long time developer FDG Entertainment and many other award have been won by long-time mobile developers as well.

Best Casual Game – Plants vs. Zombies | PopCap Games

Best Real World Game – AR Invaders | Soulbit Israel

Best Sports Game – Snowboard Hero | Fishlabs

Excellence in Design – Infinity Blade | Epic Games

Excellence in Gameplay – Beyond Ynth | FDG Entertainment

People’s Choice Award – Perfect Cell | Mobigame

Operator’s Choice Award – Snowboard Hero | Fishlabs

Grand Prix – Beyond Ynth | FDG Entertainment

1.400 games from 52 countries have been reviewed for this year’s awards show.

“We would like to congratulate all the IMGA award winners”, said Raphaël Goumot, Mobile Games Director at Orange. “As part of the jury, I saw the hundreds of entries from all over the world. The standard was incredibly high and it is hugely reassuring to know that mobile gaming, which is such an important part of the mobile industry, is in such a healthy and robust state. Based on the entries we saw, consumers all around the world can look forward to many top quality games coming down the pipeline in the future.”

“This year’s nominees offered a wealth of innovation, visual quality and addictive gameplay,” said Maarten Noyons, CEO and Founder of the IMGA. “The selection of the six category winners and the Grand Prix winner is not only the result of long and very vivid deliberations by the jury but also a lot of fun playing the nominated games.”

Thomas Kern, Beyond Ynth Project Manager: “We´re extremely happy, thankful and proud to have won the 2010 Grand Prix IMGA award. It´s a great honour, especially when looking at the impressive list of nominees. A big THANKS goes out to the jury and our valued customers, who made the production of this game possible.”


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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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