


More on Vivendi Games Mobile

September 24th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 5 Comments »

It seems our last story on Vivendi Games Mobile winding down actually
brought in more information on what will happen with the company and
its employees.

We have talked to several people within Vivendi about what is happening with the US and French employees. As it turns out, there will be a severance pay for everyone that will have to leave the company. Vivendi Games Mobile might also undertake other activities in order to assist its employees in this difficult time. Those plans are still in the making though (just as the fine details about a severance pay).

When it comes to the story about Paul Maglione’s bonus, apart from our tippers, nobody we spoke at Vivendi seems to know about it. This means that the recurring bonus might be nothing more then a story. The same goes for the rumor about Paul looking for a job within Activision.

We spoke with the new contacts in a private and anonymous situation. This means that we feel that they where speaking the truth about everything we asked them.

We will keep tracking the story.

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    5 Responses to “More on Vivendi Games Mobile”

    1. Pascal says:

      Will there be any left in this mobile-games arena ..stay tuned !
      Reading all these companies dropping out or having problems one after another makes me feel all strange inside..

    2. Yes, some big players going down the pan here for sure.
      Perhaps us small guys with really low overheads can mop up some of the residue in time 🙂

    3. Yes, agree with Adrian.
      But Vivendi closing down its operations, seriously we are going to miss some great games.

    4. John says:

      The brands will be acquired by 1 of the big 3… keep your head down and ride out the storm, there be blue sky on the horizon

    5. Brook says:

      Mobile games are good entertainment, time pass and relaxation for mobile users.
      Shreevysh Corp

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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