


MoConDi Turns to Mobile Viral Marketing of Mobile Games

January 21st, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Marketing Strategies | 1 Comment »

MoConDi finally announced the release (and success) of their MeYou platform which they have been working on for over two years.

The platform runs on three carriers, including Vodafone and 3 Italy. The platform allows mobile game consumers to recommend mobile games to eachother, more or less like the N-Gage 2.0 platform would.

Currently, 1.6 million users are signed up to the service. 60% of thempurchased a mobile game in the past and 64% of the users recommended a mobile game. 24% of those actually purchased a mobile game.

Running the MeYou platform reduces storefront costs for operators. MoConDi says 20% of the costs can be eliminated.

The mobile marketing market is currently estimated to be worth $ 1.8 billion and is set to grow to $ 24 billion by 2013 (according to ABI). Since a big part of this marketing is for mobile products, there is a clear opportunity for a platform like MeYou.

To aid the viral effect of the MeYou application, users are rewarded with credits for sending recommendations. When users send others a recommendation, the other user will receive a link to the content and to the MeYou application.

    One Response to “MoConDi Turns to Mobile Viral Marketing of Mobile Games”

    1. Thafer says:

      hi, this is an old concept. . . I would love to see something using the mobile technology for viral marketing not as it’s already being done for decades on pcs. Nevertheless very good work!

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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