May 28th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in About Us | 2 Comments »
We wanted to launch this tomorrow, but we are so excited about this latest feature that we are announcing it right now. Yes, goes into TV.
Our dedicated news channel can be found at and will add yet anouther news source to our blog. We source the video’s from several websites which means we don’t only show low-quality YouTube video’s, but we will also stream directly from high-quality streams like
Currently in the stream are the newest mobile game from HandyGames called Aces of the Luftwaffe, Advertisements for EA’s latest Taito games, A speech from Maarten Noyons at iHollywoodForum and much, much more.
Though we update our blog daily, MGB TV will only be updated once a week as we simply don’t have more time to spend on it. If you have created video’s you want on there, send us the link.
By the way, if there is anyone who is experienced in making video, we would love to have a MGB bumper.
Nice Arjan – good stuff!
Nice feature Arjan, and thanks for including the TimeCops preview