


Mobile Laser Gaming

March 27th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | 6 Comments »

Some students have managed to utilize Nokia’s S60 platform for a piece of laser gaming. In reality I will probably still prefer the real thing, but the novelty of using the camera of a phone for this is great. Check out the full description at Forum Nokia Blogs.

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    6 Responses to “Mobile Laser Gaming”

    1. karthikeyan says:


    2. karthikeyan says:

      mobile games for pls has been download

    3. karthikeyan says:

      mobile games for pls has been download

    4. ten says:

      mobile games cool

    5. Jogos Online says:

      they keep foudin great things
      that will be useful for my nokia

    6. Angelina says:

      Games like everyone but there is no person is they who dont like mobile games ,mobile laser games ,The player can control Lester using the keyboard or gamepad using four directions buttons and one or two action buttons depending on the platform: one for main actions and running, and one for jumping. Depending on the player’s current position, movement, and status, the main action key performs a variety of actions including attacking and interacting with Lester’s environment.
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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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