


Mobile Games Outsell Ringtones and Wallpapers at Orange

May 16th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | 1 Comment »

Orange Great news for the mobile games industry today as Orange UK confirmed a shift in consumer downloads as they noticed the majority was taking place on the Orange World mobile games deck as The Guardian reports.

With over 15 million consumers, Orange UK can be considered as one of the more important sales channels in Europe. In the first quarter of this year, Orange UK sold 750K games, boiling down to 250K games a month which is more then the music, ringtone and wallpaper sales on their decks.

Top 10 selling mobile games during this period where;
01. Sonic The Hedgehog | Glu
02. Worms | THQ
03. Space Invaders | Taito

04. Tiger Woods

    One Response to “Mobile Games Outsell Ringtones and Wallpapers at Orange”

    1. raddedas says:

      Did they say whether this was because ringtone/wallpaper purchases are declining or because games sales are rising?

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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