


MGB Re-Design 2009

May 21st, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in About Us | 2 Comments »

Mobile-games-blog-mgb It has been a year since we released the brownish layout, so it was time for a new one. Next to a new layout, we have also launched the MGB iPhone service with our launching partner Chillingo.

This year, we have chosen for a purple design combined with the red elements you know from last year's version. My girlfriend thinks it's a horrible match, but at least it stands out.

For those that are reading from the start, it must be a bit of a shock though. Yes, the girl with the Nokia 3650 has been taken out of the design. Not because we got tired of looking at her legs, but because we wanted a bit more advertising space. For next year we will try to find some new legs for you to enjoy.

We have also given more room to the comments you leave with us. Though we still don't get a lot, most of them are really helping to build up information about the stories we publish. Yes, we value your opinion a lot!

As mentioned, we also released an iPhone web app for all of you. You can find it by clicking on the iPhone link on top of this page. Indeed, you are seeing our new top bar navigation. As we will rebuild all our pages, you will see it all over the MGB network. The iPhone version will only hold a small number of stories as we are limited by our blog host.

The iPhone launch is sponsored by our friends over at Chillingo. It is a 3 months exclusive, but after that it's open for advertising to everybody.

To finish off, we have also revamped our Twitter page. At the time of writing we have 116 followers and are proud of all of them.

So that's it for this week. I'm taking a few days off of blogging and will be back by Monday.

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    2 Responses to “MGB Re-Design 2009”

    1. Looks nice Arjan!
      I’ve updated your link banner from our own site and also tried the iPhone MGB pages which also work great.

    2. Arjan Olsder says:

      Hi Adrian, thanks!

    Leave a Reply






    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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