


MED – It’s TelcoGames All Over…

May 3rd, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 11 Comments »

Telcogames Most of you still remember the collapse of TelcoGames and the horror it was for various parties (including the Menzies creditors) to get money from the management.

Following a conversation we had with a source close to the company, the management clearly hasn't learned. The new company, Mobile Entertainment Distribution Limited, is already building up debts again. According to the source, Lewis is applying the same tactics as he did under Telcogames. This means he will not pay any company unless he's threatened to be taken down. Sadly enough, this time the payment problems are not limited to mobile game developers…

This time it's also the staff that is not being paid for their services. The company is a few months late with salary payments already. Keep in mind that the staff has always been following orders from the management.

    11 Responses to “MED – It’s TelcoGames All Over…”

    1. Plap says:

      Oh dear, pretty unreal that the same thing could ever be allowed to happen twice really – Jeez :/

    2. mobgeeza says:

      In the old days it was called theft

    3. :) says:

      @mobgeeza – and they would hang on the next tree. But you will see Lewis will be back again or perhaps he get a job now at o2.

    4. mobgeeza says:

      @ 🙂 – hang ’em all!

    5. Fred says:

      I work with them, although it’s my company who make payments to them (on time.) Alarm bells have been ringing in my head for the last two weeks, I wont go into it to avoid libeling myself, but there staff are seemly very unmotivated or absent!!!

    6. Spam says:

      @Fred why do you work with such cheaters than? Work with the developers directly?

    7. sam says:

      @Spam -correct. There are many reputable companies who have not simply morphed from a failed entity with no concerns about minor matters of paying suppliers etc. I would love to know why sales channels continued with them in the knowledge they had. Did they make it easy for them to make money… , just apathy or plain stupidity? Fred???

    8. Fred says:

      If anyones having a plug at me, I’d love to know how you have such knowledge of my position, business, attitude and most important awareness of what MED of being up to…..

    9. Fred says:

      BTW all, I’ve terminated my business contacts with MED. I couldn’t continue to deal with them knowing that they aren’t paying their publishers. I’ve actually had it confirmed that they aren’t paying at least one company for sure; that’s enough for me to let go of this unruley account.

    10. Spam says:

      One wise stepp Fred. I dont know you and your position but everyone dealing with MED or ex-telcogames normally knew that they ripped of developers and publishers. Just contact all the publishers that you want to work with directly. Or contact Arjan – he needs a job. So perhaps its good to give him a job within your company taking care about content. He always worked very well with developers as I heard and he knows close to all developers and publishers around the world.

    11. John says:

      @Fred, Good start. I hope many will follow your example. As you notice, there is a lot of anger toward the channels that support MED. Most of the guys commenting here lost a lot of money to them in the past.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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