


MC10: Distimo: 1.600 Developers Publish on Multiple Channels

April 8th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Research & Stats | No Comments »

Distimo During their keynote at the Mobile Convention in Amsterdam, Vincent Hoogsteder took the stage to give the public some statistics and information on his company.

Though some stats where already mentioned in their latest reports, Distimo did provide some new insights into the App Store market. In this market, Distimo has defined four types of app stores that are fighting for market share. You have the Device Stores, OS Stores (i.e. App Store), Operator Stores (i.e. Vodafone 360) and the independent stores (i.e. GetJar). After a period of decline, Distimo actually sees growth on carrier chanels.

For their reporting, Distimo uses results from the US market. This is the only market where pretty much every app store is present. According to their data, Apple is still king of the app stores. Android takes second place but the growth of the two is not much different. Apple added 14% new apps last month while Android added 13%.

On the App Store, about 25% of the apps are free while it is 59% on Android Market. BlackBerry has 24% and Ovi has only 16% free apps. Palm has 31% and Windows Marketplace 22%. Games are the most popular type of paid content on Apple (51%), BlackBerry (27%) and Windows Marketplace (37%). On Ovi, personalization is much more popular (48%). Over 1.600 developers publish their games on multiple stores.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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