


LiMo Will be Vodafone’s Default OS

October 7th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Linux | 2 Comments »

Vodafone To further integrate their Vodafone 360 portal into the lives of consumers, the company has announced that all Vodafone branded handsets for the coming years will carry the LiMo OS.

This means that building games for LiMo might suddenly become very attractive given the fact that Vodafone holds a huge userbase over the world and it will be pushing it's own handset in most of the cases. Next to that, there is currently hardly any content available for the system since LiMo handsets have been very rare.

For handsets that don't support LiMo, Vodafone will make a 360 client available. This will first happen for Symbian, followed by Android and the iPhone. Those clients will be very limited compared to what the LiMo handsets can do.

    2 Responses to “LiMo Will be Vodafone’s Default OS”

    1. limo os says:

      This is a very interesting new, too good to be true.
      I mean by this, that if this could be true, then Limo could be a full supported architecture. Just now, all that we have is patience while waiting for a promised SDK, that hasn’t been yet released, and could be a long road
      At least, the hackings on limo have started: http://www.limo-os.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=4

    2. Spam says:

      360 needs more attention from all vodafone carriers to be sucessfull. currently its partly frustrating for consumer only to have it on some few devices.

    Leave a Reply to limo os






    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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