


Konami Celebrates Contra 20th Anniversary

September 20th, 2007 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Marketing Strategies | No Comments »

KonamiTime flies when your having fun. I remember my first Contra experience back at my Gameboy, or was it MSX? It’s been on many platforms in the past few years…

And now, this wartime classic action game is preparing for a special mobile edition called Contra 4. For this title, Konami Mobile challenges everybody to design their own contra character and the winning one will be put inside the game.

"Contra 4 will once again demonstrate Konami’s commitment to bring original branded content to the mobile device," said Joe Morris, Vice President, Konami Digital Entertainment’s Mobile Division.

The competition runs from September 18th to October 1st and on October 7th, the winner will be announced. The final game will be ready along fall 2007. The top 20 designers will be credited in the game and receive a Contra 20th anniversary T-Shirt (hey, we want one as well!) and the winner will of course see his or her character featured in the actual mobile game. As a bonus, the winner will also receive a designers award. Wish to enter the competition? Use this link.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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