


Kid’s Purchases Result in Class Action Lawsuit Versus Apple

April 17th, 2011 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: iOS | 2 Comments »

Garen Meguerian, an all-American dad from Phoenixville, Pennsylvania is a bit tipped off by the ease in which his kid spent his hard earned money on the App Store. Time for a trial.

This is indeed still about the smurfberries case that Apple already applied some sort of solution for in the past iOS updates. In total, this father’s daughter spent $200 on in-app purchases in games like City Story and Zombie Café. The father wants his money returned from Apple and he also wants Apple to cover the expenses he made for it.

    2 Responses to “Kid’s Purchases Result in Class Action Lawsuit Versus Apple”

    1. thewolf says:

      before you make an in app purchase it says “confirm spending (price of iap) to unlock whateveritis?” so she knew she was spending money and you can turn off iaps in settings

    2. joe says:

      the article doesnt say how old the kid was. i reckon they can claim the kid has no real understanding of money, altho, imho, this is a grey area where both apple and father are at fault. what a judge will say then is another matter, specially if the judge is not an iphone fanboi 😉

    Leave a Reply to joe






    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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