


Itsmy.com Starts with Social Mobile Gaming

February 10th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Web Apps | No Comments »

Itsmy.com is probably the biggest mobile oriented social network we know today (2.5 million users). The company behind it has now announced that the service will expand with social mobile games.

Everything is mobile internet based to avoid problems with application downloads. Mobile browser based social games are the new revenue generators for the mobile business with a clear added value for the customer: have fun while playing games wherever you are and meet new people in a very entertaining and easy way. Playing mobile games like “Snowball Fight” or “hide and seek” is free of cost. If you want to have a special snowball shield or the famous “invisibility feature” in the game you can top up, but only 3 times a day. Thus everybody gets a chance to be in the Hall of Fame.

Antonio Vince Staybl, CEO itsmy.com: “Location based services are really cool features for our users, but we don’t see LBS as a stand-alone business case. Even more, location as a new parameter will help boosting almost every mobile service in the future from search over content to communication”.

Jukka Saarelainen, CTO itsmy.com: “We are dedicated to engage our users with their friends and their preferred activities whenever they want and wherever they are, in a 100% pure mobile way.” 

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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