


iPhone Missing for US Top 5 Smartphones

May 9th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Research & Stats | 1 Comment »

Though the iPhone from Apple remains very popular, Comscore has calculated that the device didn’t get Apple into a top 5 position for the US smartphone market in Q1 2010.

The report from ComScore ranked the leading mobile original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and mobile operators in the U.S. according to their share of usage by current mobile subscribers age 13 and older.

During the period, LG, Motorola and Samsung where close competitors in the top 3 as the distance between them was less than one tenth of a percent as you can see in the table below.

The top 5 US operators showed a bigger difference. Verizon is still leading the market though it lost about a tenth of a percent. Competitor AT&T gained two tenth of a percent and remained second.

Though sending text messages is still the most popular form of mobile usage with 63.7%, gaming takes a solid fourth place with 21.8% of the users preferring that type of usage. Gaming grew with 0.2% since the last quarter of 2009. Apps took the third place with 28.6% (+2.6%)

    One Response to “iPhone Missing for US Top 5 Smartphones”

    1. Walter Heck says:

      The table in this post doesn’t mention smartphones, but mobile phones in general. It’s definitely not surprising that Apple with just 3 models that are only for people that can afford them looses to nokia who ahs been in the el cheapo segment for 10+ years.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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