


Internet searches on cellphones (advertising next!)

May 9th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in 1 | No Comments »

there is search, there will be advertising! Very insightfull article in
the WSJ about the recent activities and push towards mobile from
Google, Yahoo and MSN. Expectations are high for mobile search and

Internet searching in general is a huge market, with
U.S. search-related advertising spending totaling $5.1 billion last
year, according to research firm eMarketer Inc. But advertising on
cellphones is still in its infancy, generating just about $100 million
last year, analysts say. And, mobile searching generates little if any
revenue. Still, Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt recently said on
the sidelines of its annual analyst conference that mobile advertising
was the company’s single most exciting opportunity.

Operators like Vodafone still do not seem to get it and I truely
believe that the more advanced a mobile consumer becomes, the less
he/she will use portals like Vodafone Live as they are to restricted.

Service providers traditionally have fought to keep
consumers within their own branded portals in order to pocket the
proceeds of any mobile purchases such as music downloads or videogames.
Vodafone, for instance, will still prioritize search results from its
own branded portal when customers use its Google-powered search
feature. And, the link to Google will require clicking through several
layers of screens. Read on

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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