


InFusio Bites the Dust? – UPDATED

August 26th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | No Comments »

Infusio InFusio, another big name from the past, seems to have passed away. The company has resided in administration over the past months and last week the employees where informed that the show is over.

As I wrote above, the history of the company is very broad. They did a J2me competing platform called Ex-En and invested heavily in it. The platform was mostly carried by SonyEricsson and French vendors/developers. It died out years ago and the company did not manage to release a successor on handsets.

 Mobile-scopeLater in it's histroy, they acquired the successful studio MobileScope and invested heavily in various licenses. Their biggest licensor was Microsoft where they even owned the rights to Halo. Those last got them in trouble as they courted Microsoft over problems caused in the Halo Mobile approval process. Needless to say, it was the end of that relationship.

MobileScope was introduced to the market again about a year back. It was the new brand for their platform business.

Filao-mobileafter some time, the company got in so much problems, they got acquired by Zenops together with developer Filao. After that, the company went under the radar as there where not that many big releases and deals anymore.

Zenops If you have more information on this subject, please contact us about it as it might help both creditors and employees. We will keep a check on this story which is without doubt the sedest news of the day. We wish all employees the best.

UPDATE – We now also get rumours that there will just be restructuring. We still don't have any details but that could mean good news.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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