August 4th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Funbox | 3 Comments »
All over the industry, we have been pulling jokes on each other for years and most of them are funny. Who doesn't remember the famous animated handjob logo from Hands-On for example? This time however, the crew from Digital Chocolate got in serious problems due to a small joke from a competitor.
DC had sent several employees over to Mexico to check out the options for a new operation. When they arrived, they got arrested by the police and where interrogated as the police was tipped off that the team would actually be working on a big drug deal.
This joke could have had a disastrous impact on the life of those persons involved and their families. So let's all try to think a bit more about the consequence next time we pull something like this.
In fairness Arjan – this was not a joke but a criminal act carried out by someone with a big agenda and this is not in anyway reflective of industry ‘jokes’ if there are any…
@Sam, It is likely that a false tip is considered a criminal offence in Mexico. I can’t judge the exact thoughts behind the persons planning this. If the competitor did not regards this as a (truly misplaced) joke, but a serious act to bother Digital Chocolate, some punishment should be in place as this is no way to conduct business. I can’t judge that.
If I stab you, I’ll still get punished for it, even if I say it was just a joke. There is nothing to judge, a criminal act is a criminal act, regardless of the motive.