


Industry Jokes, Where’s the Limit?

August 4th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Funbox | 3 Comments »

Digital-chocolate All over the industry, we have been pulling jokes on each other for years and most of them are funny. Who doesn't remember the famous animated handjob logo from Hands-On for example? This time however, the crew from Digital Chocolate got in serious problems due to a small joke from a competitor.

DC had sent several employees over to Mexico to check out the options for a new operation. When they arrived, they got arrested by the police and where interrogated as the police was tipped off that the team would actually be working on a big drug deal.

This joke could have had a disastrous impact on the life of those persons involved and their families. So let's all try to think a bit more about the consequence next time we pull something like this.

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    3 Responses to “Industry Jokes, Where’s the Limit?”

    1. sam says:

      In fairness Arjan – this was not a joke but a criminal act carried out by someone with a big agenda and this is not in anyway reflective of industry ‘jokes’ if there are any…

    2. Arjan Olsder says:

      @Sam, It is likely that a false tip is considered a criminal offence in Mexico. I can’t judge the exact thoughts behind the persons planning this. If the competitor did not regards this as a (truly misplaced) joke, but a serious act to bother Digital Chocolate, some punishment should be in place as this is no way to conduct business. I can’t judge that.

    3. realist says:

      If I stab you, I’ll still get punished for it, even if I say it was just a joke. There is nothing to judge, a criminal act is a criminal act, regardless of the motive.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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