


In-Fusio Europe Rises from In-Fusio’s Ashes – UPDATED

August 27th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 7 Comments »

Infusio A new day, a new company. Having declared In-Fusio dead yesterday, today we found out that In-Fusio Europe has been set up. As we noted yesterday, we received both the news about the liquidation of the company as well as news about restructuring in Germany.

In reality, In-Fusio Europe has been set up and acquired the most important assets of the In-Fusio company. Those are probably the contracts. No information about the exact contents though.

Sebastien Martin contacted us with the folowing message: “In-Fusio has been conducting significant efforts over the past year, in order to optimize the efficiency of its teams and the quality of its publishing services, in particular an exceptional handsets coverage with more than 950+ java handsets provided for the last game releases. We’ve struggled to survive in tough conditions, we know that we did not communicate during this period and are sorry for that, but we can assure you that we are still there and expect to be there in a few years. This operation will enable the business to get rid of the legacy and focus on the future, with promising outcomes.”

Sebastien let us know that he is very interested in answering your questions. Please drop them in the comments below or send them in by e-mail. We will send them out to him tomorrow morning. Expect an update to this story over the weekend!

UPDATE – The interview has been sent out. We expect it to go live over the weekend. Stay tuned!

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    7 Responses to “In-Fusio Europe Rises from In-Fusio’s Ashes – UPDATED”

    1. JJ says:

      Hi Sebastien, when you say ‘get rid of the legacy’, can you confirm this doesn’t mean ‘get rid of the debts of InFusio’. Hope the Ashes include paying previous employers wages, publisher royalties and general providers of InFusio. Sure we’re all hoping this isn’t an all too familiar Phoenix arising… guessing it won’t be though.

    2. Spam says:

      sounds like Telcogames for me. But this is just funny:
      “We’ve struggled to survive in tough conditions, we know that we did not communicate during this period and are sorry for that, but we can assure you that we are still there and expect to be there in a few years.”
      1. What will change now from the strategy point of view?
      2. I didnt saw titles coming out for ages. What is planned to change it? How many titles do Sebastian want to aggregate?
      3. What business model will he offer for developers?
      4. Tell us where such titles will go live?
      5. What will be transfered at all from In-Fusio to IF Europe beside the name. Does not every partner have the chance to terminate the contract if they do so?
      6. How many people will work for IF Europe now and what will they do?
      7. Who are the share holders or owners of IF Europe? Any investor or just some private persons?
      8. What did IF Europe pay for the most important assets of In-Fusio?

    3. Hardy Thomas says:

      Congratulations Sebastian. May the best be with In-Fusio.

    4. Michael says:

      Would be good to know if the new IF is not only keeping/getting transferred their sales channel contracts (carriers, aggregators, etc.) but whether they will also transfer the contracts with content providers/developers who had supplied games to them on a rev.share basis, and whether all the due amounts to such providers will be paid by the new IF?

    5. JJ says:

      My point entirely Michael. Want to make sure revenues for titles such as Yeti Sports don’t disappear into the banks pockets…

    6. Arjan Olsder says:

      That is in the interview guys, so we should know more over the weekend.

    7. realist says:

      Talk about beating a dead horse.
      Gone are the glorious days of infusio being self-absorbed in their firm knowledge that they were the one and only gaming platform around, no chance for anyone else! Java who?
      How the mighty have fallen!
      It took ages for them to go bancrupt though, I thought it should’ve happened a lot sooner.
      Oh well, let’s see how long the corpse keeps twitching!

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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