


Huawei Goes Neutron

February 11th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Distribution | No Comments »

ExitgamesExit Games has inked down a new deal with handset vendor Huawei, to integrate the Neutron multiplayer gaming platform into Huawei’s Mobile Data Service Platform (MDSP).

Through the connection, every mobile operator which uses Huawei’s MDSP solution will now be able to sell Neutron powered mobile games and content. Gamers will even have no problems to play against players from other operators.

Under the preferred platform agreement, game developers and publishers who use the Neutron platform will be able to seamlessly launch their titles with all Huawei enabled carriers powered by the MDSP platform. With pre-agreement access to more than 500 million billable subscribers, game publishers and developers will also gain in-game event billing capabilities, real time multiplayer gaming, and enhanced community presence features such as game lobbies, tournaments, skinnable real-time high score monitors, in-game text and voice chat, and real-time buddy lists.

“We’re continuously looking to partner with industry leading companies to give our game development and publishing partners a way to drive additional revenue and help carriers deliver a more sophisticated in-game experience to their customers,” said Tom Sperry, CEO of Exit Games USA. “The cooperation with Huawei to extend the reach of our Neutron service platform will provide our customers with direct billing access to hundreds of mobile network operators, giving them unmatched accessibility to gamers around the world.”

Huawei recognizes Exit Games’ Neutron as a turn-key gaming solution that is the platform of choice by many leading players in the gaming industry today. This partnership with Exit Games will meet the rising demands of carriers for more innovative gaming services and further help to realize incremental revenue streams in the process.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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