


HandyGames Turns Ten

April 20th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 2 Comments »

German developer HandyGames has started to celebrate their tenth birthday. Coming from the good old wap and black&white J2me titles, this developer has seen and survived all of it.

The company is still privately held and ran by its founders Markus Kassulke, Christopher Kassulke and Udo Bausewein. To celebrate, the company asked all partners to send in quotes about the developer. As a result, the HandyGames website is showing a new quote on every refresh.

The company founders and the management team wish to express their deepest thanks to all team members: “It’s only because of your expertise, your dedication, your experience, your motivation, your commitment and your passion that we have gotten to where we are today. The HandyGames brand is now recognized amongst the international top players in the mobile games business and for that, we thank you all!”

Congratulations HandyGames!

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    2 Responses to “HandyGames Turns Ten”

    1. Ano Thaguy says:

      “…this developer has seen and survived all of it…” lol – I don’t remember a single game published within the very last 3 years that will meet aspects of storytelling, high quality or innovation in gaming. In addition they have never succeeded in advance themselves in next-gen gaming on smartphones. So lost in J2me I guess.

    2. spam says:

      @Ano Thaguy
      hard words. Did you ever played games from them? ANNO, Townsmen or Gothic are great titles I played from them. I dont have an iPhone. Shame on me but what I saw from them is by far not low quality. Storytelling and Innovation is a topic you can discuss with everyone – where is storytelling in Tetris? Innovative Gaming? I saw a camera hamster title on an event from them, played it and loved it. It was fun. For me thats innovation but perhaps you see only iPhone, 3D, Facebook as innovation. What ever in my opinion they earn the deepest respect. One of the view developers who really love what they are doing. Talk to them and you will see what I mean.

    Leave a Reply to Ano Thaguy






    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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