


Hands-On Licenses Fieldrunners

April 8th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Brand Licensing | No Comments »

Handson Hands-On has licensed the very successful Fieldrunners brand from Subatomic. Fieldrunners is one of a few very successful iPhone titles that now find their way back into the classic mobile games industry.

Though the game is licensed and developed by Hands-On, they will only do the US distribution. In the EU it will not use former subsidiary M-Forma/Connect2Media but competitor I-Play (which is, according to rumors, cutting down their J2me business).

"This game is truly addicting as we've seen with the huge fan base its amassed as an App Store favorite, said Lynn Monica, VP & GM of Mobile Games, Hands-On Mobile. "We saw a great opportunity to take this game cross-platform and have worked closely with Subatomic Studios to create the same addictive experience that has captured iPhone users and kept them coming back for more."

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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