


Hands-On Announces Total Film Quiz

April 3rd, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Game Announcements | No Comments »

HandsonHands-On is racing to capture a part of the market which now seems to be dominated by Scene It? In order to grasp part of the popular film quiz market, they will be releasing Total Film Quiz.

FinbladeThe new mobile quiz game is based on the popular Total Film magazine from UK publisher Future. The development of the mobile game is being handled by Finblade.

"This launch is part of the continued expansion plan for Total Film through this year and it’s great to be working with an established and respected partner," said Simon Maxwell, Group Publisher of Future’s Film & TV portfolio. "The Total Film quiz is incredibly popular among our readers and this is a natural extension for us and we are delighted that more people will now be able to engage with Total Film and test their film knowledge through their mobile phones."

The Total Film Quiz will offer film lovers thousands of unique questions, with multiple choice answers, about hundreds of films from a variety of genres

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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