


GDC: Nokia Jumps into In-Game Advertising

March 6th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming | No Comments »

Nokia announced to release two services into the market if mobile
advertising. Nokia Ad Service is a fully managed platform for
advertisers to target the mobile services and applications like mobile
games. It allows ad networks to deploy, manage and optimize mobile
advertising campaigns.

"As advertisers struggle to reach personalized targeting with traditional media such as print and TV, mobile advertising is becoming an increasingly attractive channel for brands," said Tom Henriksson, Director of Nokia Ad Service at Nokia Emerging Business Unit. "We have completed a number of pilot campaigns with advertisers and mobile publishers for testing the Nokia ad serving technology and consumer experience. The feedback has been very positive from all parties."

The second service to launch is the Advertising Connector, a private label service for publishers and advertising aggregators that want to extend into mobile advertising. The connector allows switching between graphics, text and video adverts and feeds them to the consumer’s device.

"With Nokia Advertising Connector we are partnering with newspaper publishers, other traditional media companies, aggregators, platform companies, operators and internet companies to help them serve their current advertisers by offering easy access to a mobile audience" says Matthew Snyder, Head of Business Development, Nokia Multimedia, Advertising Business Program. "We have an aggregator interface for plugging partners’ platforms into the Connector – Nokia being in the role of platform service provider. Think of the Connector as a one-stop delivery point with intelligence."

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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